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- 2421Y00F07bookman24Y00C3N
- 1213Y00F04ruby12NExtracted from the novel:
- 1201NThe Return of Sherlock Holmes, A Collection of Holmes Adventures
- 2421Y00F07bookman24Y00C5N
- 2401Nby
- 2401N
- 2401N
- 2406Y00C3N
- 1606Y00C5NPart 2
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y02C1N
- 0801N
- 0814Y00F05pearl08NSherlock Holmes listened with closed eyes and fingertips together to this
- 0801Nremarkable account.
- 0801N
- 0801N"The case has certainly some points of interest," said he, in his languid
- 0801Nfashion. "May I ask, in the first place, Mr. McFarlane, how it is that you
- 0801Nare still at liberty, since there appears to be enough evidence to justify
- 0801Nyour arrest?"
- 0801N
- 0801N"I live at Torrington Lodge, Blackheath, with my parents, Mr. Holmes, but
- 0801Nlast night, having to do business very late with Mr. Jonas Oldacre, I stayed
- 0801Nat an hotel in Norwood, and came to my business from there. I knew nothing
- 0801Nof this affair until I was in the train, when I read what you have just
- 0801Nheard. I at once saw the horrible danger of my position, and I hurried to
- 0801Nput the case into your hands. I have no doubt that I should have been
- 0801Narrested either at my city office or at my home. A man followed me from
- 0801NLondon Bridge Station, and I have no doubt--Great heaven! what is that?"
- 0801N
- 0801NIt was a clang of the bell, followed instantly by heavy steps upon the stair.
- 0801NA moment later, our old friend Lestrade appeared in the doorway. Over his
- 0801Nshoulder I caught a glimpse of one or two uniformed policemen outside.
- 0801N
- 0801N"Mr. John Hector McFarlane?" said Lestrade.
- 0801N
- 0801NOur unfortunate client rose with a ghastly face.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I arrest you for the wilful murder of Mr. Jonas Oldacre, of Lower Norwood."
- 0801N
- 0801NMcFarlane turned to us with a gesture of despair, and sank into his chair
- 0801Nonce more like one who is crushed.
- 0801N
- 0801N"One moment, Lestrade," said Holmes. "Half an hour more or less can make no
- 0801Ndifference to you, and the gentleman was about to give us an account of this
- 0801Nvery interesting affair, which might aid us in clearing it up."
- 0801N
- 0801N"I think there will be no difficulty in clearing it up," said Lestrade,
- 0801Ngrimly.
- 0801N
- 0801N"None the less, with your permission, I should be much interested to hear his
- 0801Naccount."
- 0801N
- 0801N"Well, Mr. Holmes, it is difficult for me to refuse you anything, for you
- 0801Nhave been of use to the force once or twice in the past, and we owe you a
- 0801Ngood turn at Scotland Yard," said Lestrade. "At the same time I must remain
- 0801Nwith my prisoner, and I am bound to warn him that anything he may say will
- 0801Nappear in evidence against him."
- 0801N
- 0801N"I wish nothing better," said our client. "All I ask is that you should hear
- 0801Nand recognize the absolute truth."
- 0801N
- 0801NLestrade looked at his watch. "I'll give you half an hour," said he.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I must explain first," said McFarlane, "that I knew nothing of Mr. Jonas
- 0801NOldacre. His name was familiar to me, for many years ago my parents were
- 0801Nacquainted with him, but they drifted apart. I was very much surprised
- 0801Ntherefore, when yesterday, about three o'clock in the afternoon, he walked
- 0801Ninto my office in the city. But I was still more astonished when he told me
- 0801Nthe object of his visit. He had in his hand several sheets of a notebook,
- 0801Ncovered with scribbled writing--here they are--and he laid them on my table.
- 0801N
- 0801N"`Here is my will,' said he. `I want you, Mr. McFarlane, to cast it into
- 0801Nproper legal shape. I will sit here while you do so.'
- 0801N
- 0801N"I set myself to copy it, and you can imagine my astonishment when I found
- 0801Nthat, with some reservations, he had left all his property to me. He was a
- 0801Nstrange little ferret-like man, with white eyelashes, and when I looked up at
- 0801Nhim I found his keen gray eyes fixed upon me with an amused expression. I
- 0801Ncould hardly believe my own as I read the terms of the will; but he explained
- 0801Nthat he was a bachelor with hardly any living relation, that he had known my
- 0801Nparents in his youth, and that he had always heard of me as a very deserving
- 0801Nyoung man, and was assured that his money would be in worthy hands. Of
- 0801Ncourse, I could only stammer out my thanks. The will was duly finished,
- 0801Nsigned, and witnessed by my clerk. This is it on the blue paper, and these
- 0801Nslips, as I have explained, are the rough draft. Mr. Jonas Oldacre then
- 0801Ninformed me that there were a number of documents--building leases,
- 0801Ntitle-deeds, mortgages, scrip, and so forth--which it was necessary that I
- 0801Nshould see and understand. He said that his mind would not be easy until the
- 0801Nwhole thing was settled, and he begged me to come out to his house at Norwood
- 0801Nthat night, bringing the will with me, and to arrange matters. `Remember, my
- 0801Nboy, not one word to your parents about the affair until everything is
- 0801Nsettled. We will keep it as a little surprise for them.' He was very
- 0801Ninsistent upon this point, and made me promise it faithfully.
- 0801N
- 0801N"You can imagine, Mr. Holmes, that I was not in a humour to refuse him
- 0801Nanything that he might ask. He was my benefactor, and all my desire was to
- 0801Ncarry out his wishes in every particular. I sent a telegram home, therefore,
- 0801Nto say that I had important business on hand, and that it was impossible for
- 0801Nme to say how late I might be. Mr. Oldacre had told me that he would like
- 0801Nme to have supper with him at nine, as he might not be home before that hour.
- 0801NI had some difficulty in finding his house, however, and it was nearly
- 0801Nhalf-past before I reached it. I found him----"
- 0801N
- 0801N"One moment!" said Holmes. "Who opened the door?"
- 0801N
- 0801N"A middle-aged woman, who was, I suppose, his housekeeper."
- 0801N
- 0801N"And it was she, I presume, who mentioned your name?"
- 0801N
- 0801N"Exactly," said McFarlane.
- 0801N
- 0801N"Pray proceed."
- 0801N
- 0801NMcFarlane wiped his damp brow, and then continued his narrative:
- 0801N
- 0801N"I was shown by this woman into a sitting-room, where a frugal supper was
- 0801Nlaid out. Afterwards, Mr. Jonas Oldacre led me into his bedroom, in which
- 0801Nthere stood a heavy safe. This he opened and took out a mass of documents,
- 0801Nwhich we went over together. It was between eleven and twelve when we
- 0801Nfinished. He remarked that we must not disturb the housekeeper. He showed
- 0801Nme out through his own French window, which had been open all this time."
- 0801N
- 0801N"Was the blind down?" asked Holmes.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I will not be sure, but I believe that it was only half down. Yes, I
- 0801Nremember how he pulled it up in order to swing open the window. I could not
- 0801Nfind my stick, and he said, `Never mind, my boy, I shall see a good deal of
- 0801Nyou now, I hope, and I will keep your stick until you come back to claim it.'
- 0801NI left him there, the safe open, and the papers made up in packets upon the
- 0801Ntable. It was so late that I could not get back to Blackheath, so I spent the
- 0801Nnight at the Anerley Arms, and I knew nothing more until I read of this
- 0801Nhorrible affair in the morning."
- 0801N
- 0801N"Anything more that you would like to ask, Mr. Holmes?" said Lestrade, whose
- 0801Neyebrows had gone up once or twice during this remarkable explanation.
- 0801N
- 0801N"Not until I have been to Blackheath."
- 0801N
- 0801N"You mean to Norwood," said Lestrade.
- 0801N
- 0801N"Oh, yes, no doubt that is what I must have meant," said Holmes, with his
- 0801Nenigmatical smile. Lestrade had learned by more experiences than he would
- 0801Ncare to acknowledge that that brain could cut through that which was
- 0801Nimpenetrable to him. I saw him look curiously at my companion.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I think I should like to have a word with you presently, Mr. Sherlock
- 0801NHolmes," said he. "Now, Mr. McFarlane, two of my constables are at the door,
- 0801Nand there is a four-wheeler waiting." The wretched young man arose, and with
- 0801Na last beseeching glance at us walked from the room. The officers conducted
- 0801Nhim to the cab, but Lestrade remained.
- 0801N
- 0801NHolmes had picked up the pages which formed the rough draft of the will, and
- 0801Nwas looking at them with the keenest interest upon his face.
- 0801N
- 0801N"There are some points about that document, Lestrade, are there not?" said
- 0801Nhe, pushing them over.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe official looked at them with a puzzled expression.
- 0801N
- 0801N"I can read the first few lines and these in the middle of the second page,
- 0801Nand one or two at the end. Those are as clear as print," said he, "but the
- 0801Nwriting in between is very bad, and there are three places where I cannot
- 0801Nread it at all."
- *!EOF